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Graduation Ceremony

Good evening, honorable guests, ladies, and gentlemen -, Respected Parents/ Faculty Members, Gentlemen, School Administrative Team, My sons, the stars of this ceremony, Our students are graduates of the year 2021/20

Graduation is always a special occasion – the culmination of years of hard work; Achieving the goals that have been achieved and cherishing the successes achieved. So, it's fitting that we're throwing this party to remember the path we've come together in the past few years.

It was a journey that began with simple steps through which you got to know letters, books, friends and teachers. These steps have brought you to successive stages, the last of which is the last four years. You have faced some trials and difficulties along the way... and each time you come out stronger than before. You have experienced exceptional and magical moments and created memories that will remain in your mind and will be fondly remembered in the coming years.

But let's start where all good stories begin - in the beginning

Who can forget when we all first met - the nervous little students in [kindergarten], proud parents, teachers and school management what an exciting period that signaled the beginning of great things to come. , we have all come to a common goal - to encourage and develop the principle of lifelong learning in the young people who are sitting before us this evening.

We have been and still are firm, resolute and determined to develop and improve the educational process, focused on our goal, staying together and working together. We experienced some incredible and unforgettable moments - moments we chose to use as a springboard as we together and persistently pursued our common goals. The progress we have made in recent years is evidence of that, as some of the following salient points attest to that:

Our students obtained the highest grades in the Cambridge exams, our school obtained international accreditation as the first school in Libya, we obtained the accreditation of the Quality Assurance Center, we used the most prestigious e-learning platforms in the world at the time of the pandemic, and other important points that cannot be mentioned now.

The end result Ladies and gentlemen for coming together and working together, despite the hurdles we all encountered along the way... That end result is this graduate class for the year [2021/2022] How proud they are of their success and the opportunities they have. Congratulations, we are very proud of you all

My sons students:

You are ready, willing, and more than able to catch the torch you have today - the future is yours and the world will come to you.

I hope that in the coming years you will continue to act with empathy, compassion, objectivity and a willingness to take risks.

I hope that you will always be a role model and continue to work hard, in the spirit of innovation and creativity.

I hope that your successes will be many and that your failure points will be few and make them lessons from which you make success. There is no success for those who fear failure.

We wish you everything you deserve for the coming years.

Graduates of 2021/2022- It has been an honor for us to monitor your progress and success over these years..

In accordance with the powers granted to me based on the applicable laws and regulations, I announce your graduation for the academic year 2021/2022.

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

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